In the event that any Youth Member, Parent/Carer, Club or FA Official or Coach feels that he or she has suffered discrimination, experienced or witnessed something of concern or that the Club’s Policies, Rules or Code of Conduct has been broken they should report the matter to The Club

Frontline Resolution
For issues that are straightforward and easily resolved, requiring little or no investigation, a private word to The Team Coach or other Club Official might remedy the issue or concern that has arisen. This is not to undervalue minor concerns, rather in some instances a remedy can be decided upon quickly and to the satisfaction of all (an apology, explanation or other action). For example, it may be some aspect of Club Policy has not been fully understood by a parent, or incorrectly applied by a Coach, or The Club policy itself is unclear or contradictory. A private word with the ‘frontline’ person (e.g. Coach) might be the obvious and simplest approach to take. The Club would expect the issue to be resolved within one week and The Coach or Club Official is required to report to The Chairman and CWO the concern and resolution offered so that this can be agreed and recorded in The Club minutes.

More Serious Concerns
There is always the potential for more serious concerns to arise that require a more significant intervention. In these instances, a more formal process is required so that the club can both record and address the issue or concern. Where a serious concern arises, this should be reported to any member of the Coaching Staff or Club Official who is required to pass this concern onto both The Child Welfare Officer and The Development Officer of The Club. Once reported, The Development Officer and Child Welfare Officer are collectively responsible for the investigation of the major concern and for applying the following guiding principles: